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A Time To Rise by Tal Bauer (Book Review)






What a ride that was.


This was a horror romance novel, written by Tal Bauer, that’ll send you reeling into a nightmare world of nighttime creatures.

And it’s bloody.


Just all over the place.

But it’s also intriguing as a concept.

Vatican Vampire Slayers.

Wraith chasers.

Sexy guardsmen

And an Ass- kicking Pope.

Yes, you read that right.


And in the midst of it a sweet love story. That was sweet. And lovely. And tender.


This was incredibly well researched and a surprisingly face paced book. The only drawback, from my point of view, was the grunting and the snarling and the growling – from non-undead people. Overly Alpha written personalities make me roll my eyes a bit -it’s sort of like – when you shop for boneless chicken breast – they have rib meat and water added in? We know they’re men. They don’t need extra water added in to make them menlier men. The menliest men who ever manned. That feels a little forced.


I felt like the story could have been broken up and extended to delve deeper into the mythos. Like maybe this book should have been two and then slowed down. Like a sip of wine should be rolled over the tongue to experience the bouquet?


But overall, it kicked ass. It was a good gory bloody disgusting and intelligent book. I think fans of The Witcher and Dragon Age Series’ would love this.