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Listen to the song he sings…(Poem)

Don’t listen to the words of man
listen to the song he sings
above his head, from in his heart
listen to the gentle breeze


sunlight drifts between the leaves
dappled rays of golden light
darkness comes a shivering wind
leaving mans soul a wandering blight


Listen above the rising din
above the static charge
listen above the rumbling thunder
above the river run red with blood
dancing there among the stars

A song so sweet that heaven bends
its ear toward the earth
to hear the beating in his ribs
the muscle of his heart


Its constant as chaos rises
when chaos dances without a cause
thump, thump, thump it goes
nary a second in a pause

In that beat is the truth
far truer than any creed or belief
that life is better yet lived
free from bitter grief

Man has the answer cast in flesh
the air within his lungs
his soul cast into his mortal frame
truer now than when life begun

Don’t listen to the words of man
listen only to the song he sings
deep inside the cage of bone
this constant steady thing


hear that?
its life

Its truth…