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Autumn is her name. (Poem)

Autumn, the wisest of the sisters. With red unbraided hair.
Dances across cool night winds to casts spices in the air.
She’s the comforter of the four, you see
with eyes of palest green
She sings the earth to sleep each year, and bids the world to dream

Winter is coming before too long
The fourth sister draweth nigh
But for now the harvest fields are hers to play in
encouraged by the moon in the sky

See yonder woman there, as she steps through orchards full
Watch her dance between bales of hay stacked high
as the farmer’s wagon pull
Their bounties overflowing, for hungry bellies to feed
The toil of man’s hard work has paid in bushels
From tiny well placed seeds

From springs violent showers,
To summers clay warmed from the sun
To bear fruit for her when cool winds blow
When the growing seasons done

Soon, the fairest sister will come calling
Bringing white and icy snow
And farmers fields will lay fallow as northern winds begin to blow

Yet, For just a while longer fall is here
Setting tops of trees aflame
The wisest of the sisters shall dance through the night
And Autumn is here name.

Art Work by Kari Higa

Autumn is her name

10 thoughts on “Autumn is her name. (Poem)”

        1. I’ve recently delved into the world of Poetry since reading some, myself. Edna St. Vincent Malay- Conscientious Objector is brilliant. Langston Hughes- Harlem Sweeties, The Mask by Paul Laurence Dunbar etc. Just, brilliant stuff.

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