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America has a deadly opioid addiction. I think this lady, can help.

I recently run across a video of a woman, tattoos, kinda brash, kinda rough around the edges, with the mouth of a trucker.

And she called herself a preacher.

I did a double take.


A woman preacher?

Then I listened to her story. Then I read her books, Pastrix, and Accidental Saints and through it – I found my faith again.

Her name is Nadia Bolz- Weber, she’s a former fundi Christian, turned pagan, turned drug addict, before she turned back to Christ – but her message isn’t what you’d expect to hear. That perhaps what you have heard in America’s marriage of faith and capitalism and Johnathan Edwardsesque preaching.

She preaches forgiveness.

She preaches mercy.



She preaches Christ.

With the election of Donald Trump, the opioid addiction that Chris Christie this morning on Morning Joe cited as taking the same amount of souls as 9/11 every three days, I can’t help but think this country is committing suicide.

Growing up fundi – having no sense of worth. I can see how that would happen to the individual.

Knowing how Christ has been presented to this country since it’s founding – I understand how it can happen to the masses.

Maybe this lady has the right kind of Jesus hanging out with her.

Here’s a sermon she gave recently. 

I’m a Christian -and even when i was in church, no one talked about the love of God like that.

I think she’s right. I think we were lied to.