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The murderers of Chechnya

I’d like to say what is happening in Chechnya right now to gay men is the act of animals.

I’d like to say what is happening in Chechnya right now to gay men is the act of demon possessed people.

I’d like to say what is happening in Chechnya right now to gay is the act of mentally ill people.

But it isn’t.

Critters – large or small – aren’t known for murderous rampages. Most animals kill out of necessity. They must eat or defend themselves or offspring.

While I am a religious person and do believe in a spiritual world – blaming the acts on demon possession is a scape goat.

And as far as mental illness is concerned, I believe fundamentalism is a type of mental illness – sure – but understand that fundamentalism often hides sociopath with perfect skill.

No – what is happening in Chechnya is perfectly – and horrifically – human.

Sure they may do what they do in the name of Chechnya, in the name of their God(s), reinforced through religious ideology, but all of this is the excuse that enables them to act and murder their own with impunity.

These people are religious tyrants, thugs, and murderers but at the end of they day – they’re human with no excuses for the blood on their hands.

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