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Book Release (When Heaven Strikes)

So I wrote a book.

This makes number 4, now? I think.



I am really happy to be able to bring you this latest book, When Heaven Strikes. This is my take on contemporary gay literature.
This was probably the hardest book for me to write, to date. It was certainly the most trying artistic wise for me to create.
I would like to dedicate this to gay men in general. To my brothers past and present.
Your hopes, your dreams, your fears, your pain, your love, your sex, your life, your triumphs, your tragedies, your faith, your awakening, your knowledge, your experiences, your journey, your art, your marriage, your families, your humanity, your death, your spirits are all valid.
The struggles you’ve been through – that you’re still going through – they’re all important. You are important. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

P.S. Paperback and Audio are coming soon.